Lynton Mortensen

Retired Managing Partner

We have marked the end of an era as Lynton Mortensen retires from his position as Managing Partner of HBM Lawyers after nearly 40 years. Lynton bids farewell to the firm and team that he has been a part of for so long.

Words from our now much missed retired long standing Managing Partner, Lynton Mortensen:

"Reflecting on my time at HBM, I am filled with gratitude for all the opportunities, challenges and experiences that have shaped my career and life.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the entire HBM team, past and present, for their unwavering support, hard work, and dedication over the years. I am proud of what we have accomplished together and the reputation we have built as leading insurance law specialists in the country providing the highest level of service and expertise. I have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most talented and committed legal professionals in the industry, and it has been an honor to lead and collaborate with each one of you.

I also want to extend my gratitude to our clients who have entrusted us with their legal needs and challenges we have built over the years. Their loyalty and trust have been one of our pillars of success and growth as a firm. We have an extraordinary stable of local and international clients the envy of most firms.

As I leave HBM Lawyers and step into retirement, I am excited for the next chapter of my life but also sad to say goodbye to a firm and team that has been my second home for so long. However, I am confident that the firm will continue to thrive and grow under the leadership of the partners Allison, Elissa, Chris and John and particularly Allison and John as they jointly take on the management of the firm with the talented team of lawyers and the rest of the staff. I have been incredibly blessed to have four amazing Partners where I cannot recall a cross word ever exchanged in the 17-25 years - an environment of mutual respect and appreciation. The same applies to the incredibly talented lawyers at HBM. The future looks and is bright for HBM. I look forward to watching it grow from strength to strength on its next voyage under the new stewardship of consummate professionals and just brilliant down to earth salt of the earth people.

In closing, I want to say thank you once again to everyone who has been a part of my journey at HBM Lawyers. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with all of you, and I will cherish the memories and friendships that we have created together. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, and I look forward to staying in touch and seeing the continued success of HBM Lawyers.

Thank you and farewell and enjoy - I would like to raise my glass to each and every one of you and say thank you for being such an incredible team player in the greatest team of all.

Lynton Mortensen
Managing Partner
HBM Lawyers